One of the best holidays has crept up on us quickly this year. Halloween! While I'm usually way ahead of schedule in my Halloween preparations, this year I apparently dropped the ball and I'm just starting to think about it now. The past few years I already knew what I wanted to be next year before that year's Halloween even happened! I guess that's pretty standard for 2010, though. Everything seems to be going by SO quickly.
So due to the fact that up until about noon today I had no clue what I wanted to be for Halloween, I've been doing a lot of research on the subject. As a huge fan of the 90s I have been doing a lot of Google image searches on many of my favorite TV shows and movies from that decade. Since I'm pretty sure I already know what I'm going to be (and no, it's not from the 90s...but the 80s!) I figured I'd go ahead and share my findings. Plus, I've already been a few of these so I can attest to their success!
My So-Called Life
Not only did MSCL have an amazing Halloween episode, which inspired my 2007 vampire/Rayanne Graff costume, Angela and Rayanne had such distinct style that it would be easy to tell the Angela Chase's from a simple grunge costume. So much so that they even had Danielle Chase, her little sister, dress up as her in their Halloween episode.
Empire Records
This movie really was the epitome of 90s style. Each character had such distinctive fashion choices and anyone who has seen the movie, or the poster for that matter, would know immediately who you were being. Again, my 2008 costume was inspired by Renee Zellweger's daring Music Town "uniform".
Dazed and Confused
Now, I realize that Dazed and Confused is supposed to take place in the 70s, but it was MADE in the 90s so it counts! This movie introduced me to something I've wanted to be since I was in high school, and tried to make happen my senior year of high school, and maybe will have an opportunity to be one day. I mean, let's be honest. What girl doesn't want to be in the in-crowd, hazing the younger girls into their group? Plus, even the guys in this movie had great style. They would totally fit in now, based on what we saw during fashion month.
Baywatch was one of the most quintessential shows of the 90s, and probably one of the easiest to make a costume out of. Whether you're a man or a woman, throw on a red swimsuit and jacket and you're ready for Halloween. Ladies, maybe throw some balloons in there just to make it a bit more authentic.
Wayne's World
A simple costume choice for the guys out there, and one a few friends pulled off quite well Halloween 2008: Wayne and Garth. Most guys probably have all the elements for these costumes already. May just mean a trip to a silkscreen shop to get the Wayne's World hat made.
Spice GirlsAnother costume I've wanted to be since high school is any of the Spice Girls, ideally Posh. Talk about a fun, colorful costume for a group of girlfriends! Plus, any reason to listen to Spice Girls all night is a reason for me. Yes, I'm admitting I'm a Spice Girls fan. Yes, I was there at Staples Center rocking out and singing every song during their reunion tour in 2007.
Pulp FictionLadies. Do you have black pants and a white button up? Guys. Do you have a black suit? Then you can easily be Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace. Yet again, another costume I've always wanted to be, and hopefully someday will. My dear friend Mandy does keep hinting at a Tarantino themed party, so maybe I'll have my chance. And, how cute is Uma's banged bob?
Britney SpearsThe one and only Miss Britney Spears has been a joke costume over the past few years, but back in the 90s, let's call this pre-K Fed, she had a little video that changed the easy Halloween costume for everyone. I'm going to be bold and say the Baby One More Time video brought the slutty schoolgirl costume to the masses, and I have to admit, won me over Halloween 2002. But not only that outfit, but every other in that same video ALMOST inspired my costume for this year, but alas, that may have to wait.
I could go on and on and on about pop culture Halloween costumes, but I'll leave it at that. I can't wait to see what people come up with this year. I'm sure there will be a lot of Jersey Shore, maybe some Glee, maybe some Gaga...guess I'll just have to wait.
As Britney would say, Have a Happy Halloween, y'all!!
Until next time... xo
Title quote: Angela Chase, "My So-Called Life"