Today is kind of a big deal for me. This post marks the 100th blog post for Until Next Time!! Due to this, I decided it would be fun to go back and look at
my first post. After re-reading those words I wrote on March 9 of this year, I am pretty proud of where I have taken this little blog of mine. I love that I am able to entertain my friends, and even people I've never met, for a few minutes as they read what I've written. I love the feedback that I've received from everyone and the fact that they refer my blog to their friends, too!
I figured that since TV is a big topic on Until Next Time, why not highlight some 100th episodes of my favorite TV shows. Making it that far is a big deal and they always seem to make them special.
Gilmore Girls - Season 5, "Wedding Bell Blues"
A grand affair is the center piece of this very special 100th episode. Emily and Richard are back together and renewing their vows in a huge ceremony with no lack of drama. Everything starts off all hunky dory but what would a Gilmore even be without it! Rory and Logan finally get together, only to be walked in on by Lorelai, which then in turn leads to a fight between Christopher and Luke, which then leads to a fight between Christopher and Lorelai, which then leads to a fight between Luke and Lorelai, which then leads to a fight between Lorelai and Emily. Ending with Lorelai and Luke broken up and Lorelai and her mother not on speaking terms. How cute does Rory look in her tux, though!
Friends - Season 5, "The One Hundredth"
The 100th episode of Friends revolves around Phoebe's giving birth to her brother's triplets. Not to be outdone, though, the rest of the gang has plenty going on around them while at the hospital. Ross and Joey sharing quality time while Joey passes a kidney stone. Rachel trying to get Monica to flirt with some hot male nurses, while Monica is hiding the fact that she's actually dating Chandler. While Chandler almost blows it with Monica by telling her they're just "messing around". Oops! Alls well that ends well, though and Phoebe successfully gives birth to the babies, Joey successfully passes his kidney stone and Monica and Chandler remain together. And lucky Chandler even gets a baby named after him!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 5, "The Gift"
The fifth season of Buffy was particularly heartbreaking, mainly with the illness and death of Buffy's mother, but the 100th episode was especially gut wrenching. Knowing that Dawn is the key to opening all the Hell dimensions on Earth, the evil god Glory catches up to the Scoobies and kidnaps her. In order to prevent apocalypse Buffy must make the ultimate sacrifice by ending her own life in order to save everyone else's. Even though Buffy's the world is saved in the end, you can't help but shed a tear when you see Buffy's dead body at the end of the episode.
Beverly Hills, 90210 - Season 4, "Scared Very Straight"
Valentine's Day is the backdrop for the 100th episode of 90210. David's drug use finally catches up to him, but luckily Dylan is there to save the day. Too bad he wasn't able to save his relationship with Donna. Andrea and Jesse finally get the approval of her family and get married, with a small reception at, where else, the Peach Pit. Brandon, tired of being the good guy, starts a scandalous affair with his professors wife. Plus, Brenda is reunited (albeit for a very short time) with her one-time fiance Stuart. What a great way to spend Hallmark's favorite holiday! Hey, maybe I'll talk about 90210 again when I hit my 200th post!
Angel - Season 5, "You're Welcome"The 100th episode of Angel is the turning point for Angel which eventually leads to the dramatic conclusion of the series. Cordelia, who was GREATLY missed, awakens from her coma to help remind Angel what his purpose is: to protect the world from evil. Coincidentally, when she walks in to his office, she finds him watching a video she and Doyle had created when Angel Investigations was first created (right before Doyle's death) which makes helps her prove her point. She is also able to apologize to Wesley for killing Lyla while she was possessed by the demon Jasmine. Who knew you could be so productive after waking up from a coma! Plus, we finally get to see what we had been waiting for for 2 seasons. Angel and Cordelia finally share a kiss! Too bad seconds later we find out that Cordelia never actually woke up from her coma. At least her spirit was able to do good!

I want to finish this up by thanking all my loyal readers for encouraging me to keep going and making Until Next Time an important part of my life. Who knew back in March when I started this little blog that I'd actually make it to 100? Here's to hundreds more!!
Until next time... xo
Title quote: Dylan Krieger, "Quarterlife"