Here's a list of my 5 favorites, thus far:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 2, "Halloween"
Buffy as a damsel in distress, Xander as a heroic officer and Willow as a scantily clad ghost. What's so great about this episode is that we get to see each of the characters in a completely different way. Because of Giles' arch nemisis Ethan Rayne, the residents of Sunnydale literally become what their halloween costumes are, causing all kinds of mayhem. Who needs vampires and other demons to run a muck when you have trick or treaters becoming their costumes?!
Angel - Season 5, "Life of the Party"
One of my favorite characters on Angel, Lorne, gets the opportunity to shine in this Halloween episode. Tasked with throwing the Wolfram & Hart Halloween party, all hell breaks loose when his power of suggestion becomes a little too powerful (Angel and Eve, Gunn marking his territory, Wesley and Fred getting wasted after a single drink). Plus, it's always fun to see Angel not so wound up and broody for a change!
One of my favorite characters on Angel, Lorne, gets the opportunity to shine in this Halloween episode. Tasked with throwing the Wolfram & Hart Halloween party, all hell breaks loose when his power of suggestion becomes a little too powerful (Angel and Eve, Gunn marking his territory, Wesley and Fred getting wasted after a single drink). Plus, it's always fun to see Angel not so wound up and broody for a change!

As I said last week, this is one of my all time favorite episodes of TV, not just Halloween episodes. I've probably watched it about 100 times a year since I got the DVDs a few years back and I still love every second of it. Ghosts, attempted seances, bewitched costumes, trick or treating and awkward teenage interaction. What more could you possibly ask for?

90210 - Season 2, "Halloween"
Leave it to the kids at West Beverly to find themselves in all kinds of crazy situations on Halloween. Donna in her classic mermaid costume, unable to move. Kelly in her risque witch costume, almost being date raped. Brandon and Emily Valentine almost losing the kids they're babysitting while trick or treating. Plus, how amazing were Brenda and Dylan's Bonnie and Clyde costumes?!

Felicity - Season 1, "Spooked"
I've always been a Ben Covington fan and this episode is great because it's one of the first times we get to see some great Felicity/Ben interaction. Even though he pulls some pretty a-hole moves throughout the majority of the episode (not showing up at the police station, telling Felicity he'd be Frankenstein to her Bride of Frankenstein at the party, making out with the pink Power Ranger in front of her), he finds a way to redeem himself in the end. How hilarious was is it when Noel tried to talk to Felicity with her make up running down her face, false lashes falling off and then puking in his lap? Good thing he was a Subway employee and had his gloves on!
I've always been a Ben Covington fan and this episode is great because it's one of the first times we get to see some great Felicity/Ben interaction. Even though he pulls some pretty a-hole moves throughout the majority of the episode (not showing up at the police station, telling Felicity he'd be Frankenstein to her Bride of Frankenstein at the party, making out with the pink Power Ranger in front of her), he finds a way to redeem himself in the end. How hilarious was is it when Noel tried to talk to Felicity with her make up running down her face, false lashes falling off and then puking in his lap? Good thing he was a Subway employee and had his gloves on!