This week not only marks one of the most fun weeks of the year for me (my birthday week!) but also the return of some of my favorite shows. And, it keeps going through next week, as well, with not only returning shows, but the new shows I'm very excited to see. I keep saying I love this time of year, but I really just can't help getting giddy over new episodes of my favorites.
I figured that I'd do a quick rundown of what happened in the season finales of my shows (don't even get me started on the True Blood finale last night) and my hopes for the new season. Shall we begin? order of premiere date/time.
Gossip Girl - Monday, 9/13 @ 9
Last spring: Blair finally decides to take Chuck back, only to find out moments after his proposal that he slept with Lil' J that night before. Serena and Nate break up after Nate finds out she had kissed Dan. Dan is about to follow heartbroken Serena and Blair to Paris, only to be sidelined by Georgina's confession to him that she's pregnant and he's the father. And a heartbroken Chuck wallows away the loss of Blair in Prague,where he is mugged, shot and left for dead.
Here's what I hope happens this season: Serena and Blair find new guys in Paris (we need new blood in the male department in the Upper East Side) and forget about Dan/Nate and Chuck. I think we've had enough of Serena and Dan and Serena and Nate never seemed right to me. And as much as I loved Blair and Chuck together, it would be nice to see her with someone new. Dan should end up being the father of Georgina's baby. It will get him off his high horse a bit AND we'll get to see much more of Michelle Tracthenberg. I've heard rumblings of a Chuck has amnesia plot line, but I'm really hoping they don't go there. Also, I was so happy to see Lil' J leave the show, but I've been seeing pics of her on set lately. Let's hope she's just visiting her old cast mates.
One Tree Hill - Tuesday, 9/14 @ 8pm

Last spring: Nathan saves Haley from her deep depression over her mother's death and from a suicide attempt. Julian invites the whole gang to a film festival in Utah for the premiere of his and Alex's movie. After which, full of joy from the success, he proposes to Brooke. Finally back to her normal self, Haley finds out she's pregnant again. And, just when we think all's well in Tree Hill, Clay and Quinn are shot by crazy Katie.
Here's what I hope happens this season: I am really (really) hoping that they bring back the focus of this season to the original characters - Brooke, Haley, Nathan, Mouth, etc. Last year WAY too much time was spent on new characters Quinn and Clay, who in my opinion, added nothing to the show. Brooke will hopefully find the happiness and love she's always wanted with Julian and, since this may be the final season of the series, she'll end the season with a big wedding. Nathan and Haley just can't seem to catch a break lately. Last season began with them dealing with Nathan being blackmailed for an affair he took no part in, then Haley's mother passes away, now her sister, Quinn, could potentially be murdered. As much as it would make me happy to have Quinn and Clay out of the picture (harsh, I know), I just want things be happy for Nathan and Haley for once. I know, I know...happiness doesn't provide good drama, but if this is going to be the last season, I'd like to see good closure for my favorite characters.
Parenthood - Tuesday, 9/14 @ 10pm

Last spring: Unfortunately this was a quick season, as it was its first, and it was a mid-season show, so I'll do a season summary, rather than season finale. Sarah continually deals with the stress of being a single parent and moving her teenagers to a new town. And, the constant struggle of raising a teenage daughter, who has slept with her cousin's ex boyfriend and almost ran away. Adam and Kristina deal with raising a hormonal teenage daughter and an autistic son. Julia and Joel continue to juggle work and being a stay at home dad, respectively. Dax decides to move to NY to be with Jasmine and their son. And, patriarch Zeke tries to win back the love and trust of his wife, Camille.
Here's what I hope happens this season: Like I said, since this show is new, and there were so few episodes last season, I unfortunately don't have too much vision as to what may happen this year. I hope that Sarah and Amber work out their differences. And on that note, Amber and Haddie are able to get over the whole "she slept with my bf" situation and become friends again. Even though I think it's great that Dax wants to move to NY to be with Jasmine and Jabaar, I love the interaction between him and the rest of the Braverman crew, so hopefully something will happen to keep them all in Berkeley.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Thursday, 9/16 @ 10pm
Last spring: So this show doesn't exactly follow the whole what happened last week really matters this week formula, so I can't imagine anything that happened in the finale will have any effect on what happens in the new season. Basically, the gang got drunk, did something stupid and then got drunk again. All while being hilarious and offending everyone in their wake.
Here's what I'm hoping happens this season: The main thing I'm interested in seeing play out this season is the incorporation of Kaitlin Olson's pregnancy into the show. I'm pretty sure they've made Sweet Dee pregnant, which I can only imagine will allow for some completely ridiculous situations. Wouldn't it be great if they made Sweet Dee and Mac have a drunken one night stand that leads to her becoming pregnant? Then we'd get to see some great interactions from the real-life couple. And hey, while we're at it, even though there is no chance of this happening, let's have the waitress finally decide she likes Charlie. Doesn't he deserve a break, eventually? Oh, and let's make sure we have lots of Dennis time...doesn't really matter to me what it is.
Glee - Tuesday, 9/21 @ 8pm

Last spring: Rachel and Finn finally get together after an amazing, although not successful, Regionals performance. Quinn has her baby, who is then adopted by Rachel's birth mother, Shelby. Sue finally develops a bit of a warm spot for New Directions and finds a way for them to keep the club together. Mr. Shue and Emma share another kiss, even though she's supposedly dating her new dentist now.
Here's what I hope happens this season: Rachel and Finn get to stay together throughout the season, BUT only if Jesse St. James really isn't making a comeback. As much as I love aw shucks Finn, I can't get enough of bad boy Jesse. Plus, who could say no to wanting to see Jesse/Rachel duets every week. I hope Quinn is able to re-join the Cheerios and becomes sassy Quinn again, although maybe not bitchy-sassy. Just sassy. I hope they somehow find a way to keep Terri around, although maybe not a Terri/Will reunion. I just really love her character, and Jessalyn Gesslig. Plus, I'm hoping, and I've heard rumblings this is true, that the smaller characters (Puck, Mercedes, Kurt, Brittany, Santana, Artie and Tina) become much bigger this season. I mean, they pretty much did towards the end of the season, but let's keep it coming!
I guess that's all of them. I keep looking at the weekly TV schedules and there are so many shows, both new and old, that I am now wanting to add to my DVR's rotation. I only hope the poor thing can handle them all!
Until next time... xo
Title quote: Gossip Girl, "Gossip Girl"
This post is dedicated to my dear, old friend and loyal reader, Josh Boudreaux. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery! Just you have something in common with Cheryl Cole! xo