Thursday, May 27, 2010

"It took me a really long time to get here, but I'm here. Carrie, you're the one."

Unless you've been living under a rock, you probably know that Sex and the City 2 opened today in theaters. Apparently I'm all about honoring things lately, what with the SYTYCD post yesterday, so I'll keep at it with a special dedication to the best relationship on the show/movie: Carrie and Big.

It wasn't always smooth sailing for these two, and we all know Carrie had plenty of other relationships along the way (Aidan, Berger, Aleksandr), but I've always been, and will always be Big's number 1 fan.

Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

In the pilot episode Carrie and Big share a few very brief, awkward moments together. The first time they ever see each other is when he bumps into her and then helps her gather up her stash of condoms. At the very end of the episode they share a series defining car ride, where Big asks her an important question, "have you ever been in love?" in which she's unable to answer. This bring us to my first favorite Carrie/Big moment of the series:

The two shared many good moments and bad throughout the course of the first and second seasons. In a particularly heartbreaking episode, Big tells Carrie he plans to move away to Paris. Carrie thinks she can deal, but inevitably ends up breaking down and realizing Big may not feel the same way about the relationship that she does. Which led to the following:

Later in the season Carrie discovers that Big became engaged while away in Paris. Initially the shock of it tears her to pieces, but then she realizes that he really just wasn't ready for her:

Well, so much for Carrie and Big's big ending. While many fans loved Carrie and Aidan together, I was hoping that somehow Carrie and Big would end up back together, even though he was gone and married. This dilemma led to some pretty scandalous Carrie moments, starting with the beginning of their affair:

While Carrie eventually realizes the error of her ways, and ends things, I still had hopes for their reconciliation. Lucky for me, Big gets divorced, Carrie and Aidan break up and here we go, they're both single again!

One of the lines I probably quote the most from the entire series occurs within the following clip. Carrie had just split from Aidan (again) and Big tells her that he's leaving New York. In a simple, yet romantic moment they share memories, pizza and a dance:

Fast forward to the very last episode of the series.

Carrie had been stuck in Paris, miserable and fighting with Aleksandr, when Big, in the most romantic of gestures, surprises her there to tell her she's "the one":

Finally, Carrie and Big are together. Hopefully this time it sticks!! We even find out his real name, which if that doesn't mean commitment, I don't know what does.

As you know from the first movie, they do end up getting married, but not without heartbreak, trial and tribulation. The trailers for the new movie show us that Aidan is being thrown back into the mix, which will inevitably cause Carrie to question her relationship with Big, but I really hope they still end up together in the end.

Until next time... xo

Title quote: Big, "Sex and the City"

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