To continue with the series of "time capsule" shows I started earlier this week, today I will focus on the best guilty pleasure TV shows EVER! You know, the shows you love, whether it be in secret or out in the open, that tend to get you weird looks for loving them. Now, as I'm sure I've said before on this blog, I am pretty much a teenager stuck in a 20-something's body, so this list shouldn't be very surprising.

Here we go - my not-so-guilty/guilty pleasure TV shows:
Pretty Little Liars - maybe in 17 years we'll FINALLY know who A was.

The OC - Gosh, I miss Seth and Summer!

One Tree Hill - I wish Brooke Davis was a real person and we were friends.

90210 - the original, obviously. The new one cannot even come close to comparing!

Buffy/Angel - I know this is appearance #2 of Buffy on this series, but the Buffy/Angel universe is just too good to leave out!

There you have it, folks. Feel free to judge away! Or do yourselves a favor and Netflix these immediately.
What shall we discuss in Part 3? I'm thinking movies! Stay tuned...
Until next time... xo
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