While being sick last week, I had to find ways to entertain myself while being unable to do much more than just lay there. At a friend's suggestion, I decided to finally check out the "watch instantly" section of Netflix and see what the big fuss is about the show Friday Night Lights. She has yet to steer me wrong on TV show suggestions (Veronica Mars, for example), so I figured, what else am I going to do during my self-imposed quarantine? Again, she was right!

Anyway, due to my new appreciation for this particular section of Netflix, I started thinking about instant gratification and wanting/needing things NOW. It seems to me that ever since the invention of the microwave in the mid 1900s, fast, instant, now, etc became key words in the vocabulary of American's. When looking up "instant" on urbandictionary.com, I came across pages of words and phrases that begin with instant or insta. Apparently getting things done quickly is very important to us!

Let's face it. Even though instant gratification may be "frowned upon" by some, it will always be a part of our culture. So come on stuffy, nose-in-the-air folks! Just jump on the band wagon!! We won't judge you.
Title quote: Veruca Salt, "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"
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