This week's episode of Vampire Diaries really brought that to light, especially for me. Since the show's premiere this past fall, I've always been drawn to Damon, the bad boy older brother of Stefan, played by Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley, respectively. But this week we got to see a new side of Stefan, due to his renewed human blood addiction.

It's so refreshing to see him not so broody for a change. Don't get me wrong, I do love a good brood every once in a while, and there is something sexy about the mysterious guy, but seeing Stefan being more like Damon this week was so much more fun to watch. For those of you not familiar with the show (click HERE for full episodes), or the books for that matter (although they are very different from the show) Damon and Stefan Salvatore are brothers who were both turned into vampires back in the day by conniving Katherine, who both were in love with. Flash forward to present day where they meet Elena, Katherine's double, and all hell breaks loose!
Damon has always been the "evil" brother, owning up to the idea that he's a vampire and human blood is what makes him strong, whereas Stefan, ashamed of the monster he's become, will only drink animal blood to survive. In last week's episode, Stefan was forced to drink Elena's blood to survive an attack and save her life, which basically turned him back into an addict. What was great about this week, was that Stefan, in order to curb his craving, became a drunk, which was hilarious to watch and made for some pretty appealing moments for him. He actually became fun, like Damon always is!
Now, I must mention my favorite good vamp gone bad in this post - Angel becoming Angelus in both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.
As much as I loved good vamp Angel, some of the best moments on both shows were when his curse was broken and he reverted back to the evil, maniacal Angelus. I found a great video this morning with some of the best Angelus moments throughout both Buffy and Angel.
This brings me back to a conversation I had with a friend a few months back. If I walked into a bar and saw one table with Damon from Vampire Diaries, Eric from True Blood, Angelus from Buffy and Angel, and Spike, also from Buffy and Angel and another table with Stefan from Vampire Diaries, Bill from True Blood, Angel from Buffy and Angel and Edward from Twilight, which would I choose to sit and hang with? Why the table with the fun-loving, "bad" vamps of course! Who wants to hang out with a bunch of broody, feeling sorry for themselves guys at a bar?
Until next time... xo
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